6 Handy Tips To Help You Spend Less Time On Housework

“It’s a rare person among us who looks forward to cleaning the house,” writes Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. “I certainly don’t., but a clean house is something I love perhaps too much.” For most of us, household chores are the sort of thing we just suffer through – we...

Tips on how to remove ink from a carpet

Regardless of how the ink ended up on the carpet, the most important thing people need to remember is when dealing with ink stains, there is need to avoid smearing it outwards but rather blot or rub in small movements to keep the stain in the already affected area and...

Hiring professional cleaners for retail

A busy retail establishment can have thousands of people moving in and out on a daily basis necessitating high levels of cleaning which might be overwhelming to you. Lack of thoroughness in cleaning can turn away customers, making you lose on revenue or make you incur...

New Yorkers Say: Flexible Economy Companies Empower Workers

This is an aside post. New Yorkers are standing with the flexible economy, according to a new poll commissioned by Clany. The poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group, reveals that public opinion is clear: the flexible economy is good for workers, good for consumers...